Guide – How to: setup DPR environment
Latest update: 2023-04-11
This guide provides the installation and setup for the Gurobi optimizer that enables to design partially reconfigurable SoCs in ESP.
Gurobi Installation
ESP uses the Gurobi optimizer (with an academic license) to automate the floorplanning stage of a DPR design for Xilinx FPGAs.
The ESP dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) flow is tested with Gurobi version 8.1.1
. We will soon support newer versions of the optimizer.
In order to install Gurobi, please login or create account Create an account.
Once the installation is complete
mkdir <gurobi_install_path>
cd <gurobi_install_path>
# Download Gurobi optimizer
tar xvf gurobi8.1.1_linux64.tar.gz
# create a soft link to /usr/lib
sudo ln -s <gurobi_install_path>/gurobi811/linux64/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s <gurobi_install_path>/gurobi811/linux64/lib/libgurobi_g++4.2.a /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s <gurobi_install_path>/gurobi811/linux64/lib/libgurobi_g++5.2.a /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s <gurobi_install_path>/gurobi811/linux64/lib/libgurobi_c++.a /usr/lib/
Gurobi Academic License
After the installation, obtain an unlimited use Named-User Academic
license from here.
Note: You can also generate other types of licenses as long as they support the version of Gurobi used in ESP.
Once the license_code
is generated run
<gurobi_install_path>/gurobi811/linux64/bin/grbgetkey license_code